Speak Peace

Read Psalm 85

Light two candles and say together
Let me hear what God the Lord will speak, for he will speak peace to his people.
(Psalm 85:8)


I’ve always been struck by how quiet and peaceful the world becomes when snow begins to fall. All sound is muffled by the flakes as they flutter and fall to the ground. Whether you’re walking or in a car, your movement becomes, at the very least, a little bit slower. Even if outside shovelling, shuffling, salting, or wandering, you can take a moment and just listen to the quiet that the snow brings. It’s in moments like these throughout this season that I find it easier to hear God speaking His peace. Today’s Psalm tells us, “…he will speak peace to his people, to his faithful, to those who turn to him in their hearts.” (verse 8)

But after those soft, quiet moments pass, we are brought back to real life, where things are noisy, people have demands and requests, and God’s peace feels a million miles away. But this Psalm continues: “Surely his salvation is at hand for those who fear him.” (verse 9) Relief is on the way! It is closer than we could ever realize. (Also, we don’t have to be afraid of God to ‘fear’ him, we just have to acknowledge God’s awesome power and stand in awe of him.)

The Psalmist uses poetry to show us what it will look like when God’s promised peace arrives: “Steadfast love and faithfulness will meet; righteousness and peace will kiss each other.” (verse 10)

We are also promised a wonderful future: “The Lord will give what is good, and our land will yield its increase.” (verse 12) Even though God has already provided us with so much nourishment from the soil, and from all the other generous ways he loves us, we will see even more of God’s fruit in our lives.

Even in those moments when peace feels far away, we can pray just as the Psalmist does, we can bring our pain and concerns and then say, “Show us your steadfast love, O Lord, and grant us your salvation.” (verse 7)

These days of Advent can ping-pong back and forth between opportunities for rest (snowy days stuck inside) and seemingly endless movement (shopping, wrapping, cooking, cleaning, etc.). Advent is, like other times of the year, a season. And beyond the season, we have an eternity with God, who invites us to listen when he speaks his hopeful words of peace to you.

Reflect and Discuss

  • When was the last time you felt peaceful?
  • How can you help other people in your family or your community find peace and rest this season?
  • How can you take God's hopeful promise of salvation to heart and live it out?

Prince of Peace, speak peace to us. Let us hear you when you speak. Restore us, Lord, show us your steadfast love and grant us your salvation. We wait for your peace.

Advent in Action
Make paper snowflakes to fill your house with peaceful (and not cold) snowfall.

More information about our Advent Prayer Challenge can be found here
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