Each month we’ll be featuring a profile on one of the Saint Benedict Parish staff members so parishioners can get to know them a little better and get a better sense of what they do at the parish. This month, we’re featuring Jonathan Hilsden, who just joined the parish staff team last month.

Welcome Jonathan! What’s your job title?

JONATHAN: I'm the Music Coordinator.

What staff team are you on?

The Worship and Sacraments Team.

I know you just got here, but as far as you know, what does your job entail?

I'll be leading music for one of the Sunday Masses and various music events, coordinating schedules for music ministry personnel, and supporting music ministry leaders & musicians, as well as casting and carrying out Saint Benedict’s vision for continued growth in our music ministries, which includes improving our skills and growing in our love for God. I'm sure my job entails a lot more than I've expressed in this answer. It is often said that the sky's the limit, but I'm confident that despite my own limitations, there is no limit with God. 

Where are you from originally?

I was born to Canadian parents in Jerusalem, Israel. My parents are Evangelical Christians who have been ministering in Israel for almost 40 years. I moved to Canada 10 years ago.

What did you do before you worked at Saint Benedict Parish?

My career background is in media, specializing in video production. For the last two and a half years I ran a video production company in Ottawa, Ontario.

What was a key moment in your faith life that you can share with us?

I was raised with a strong faith. I actually remember making a decision to follow Christ when I was four years old. But I had a more recent profound experience when I was introduced to the Catholic Church. Twelve years ago, a Catholic friend in Jerusalem noticed that I had a deep desire for Christian unity. I already had an admiration for the Catholic Church, but as my friend patiently answered my barrage of questions about Catholic teaching, that admiration evolved into a deep conviction that led me to the decision to become Catholic. I was received into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil in 2011. Becoming Catholic has been my greatest joy!

What made you decide to come work here at Saint Benedict Parish?

Music ministry has been on my heart as long as I have been a musician and worship leader. It has always been my hope that I could work in music ministry full-time. When I learned that Saint Benedict Parish was looking to hire a full-time music coordinator, the only question was, “Is this the Lord's will?” When I went through the interview process, it became clear to me and the Saint Benedict Parish’s leadership that the Lord had put the same desires in my heart as he put in the desires of the leadership team. As I discerned it in prayer, I came to accept the position when it was offered.

What do you like to do outside of work? 

Music, hiking, sports, camping, board games, jigsaw puzzles, watching good shows, watching sports, meaningful conversations, listening to podcasts. (This list is not exhaustive.)