This month, we’ll be featuring two staff profiles for two of the Saint Benedict Parish staff members, so parishioners can get to know them a little better and get a better sense of what they do at the parish. First up: Peter Salah.

What’s your job at the parish?
PETER: I am the Audiovisual Coordinator for Saint Benedict Parish.

What staff team are you on?
I am on the Worship & Sacraments Team.

How long have you worked at Saint Benedict Parish?
I have worked for the parish since July 2019.

What does your job entail? What’s a typical week look like for you?
I am responsible for the growth and maintenance of all audiovisual systems in the church building. This includes ensuring there is A/V support for weekend Masses and our many special events. In particular, at the weekend Masses we have three distinct A/V teams which I lead - slide creation and operation, Livestream, and audio mixing.

My typical work week can be quite interesting because I also have a full-time job outside of my parish ministry. So in between working my 40 hour a week engineering job, I work to recruit and schedule volunteers for all weekend Masses, along with making sure the slides, as well as the Livestream broadcast, are created and ready to go. Dealing with all this technology, I seem to spend a fair amount of time troubleshooting problems, and I also work to make sure the other events such as Alpha, Praise & Worship Nights, Leadership Summits, and so on and so on, are supported in their A/V needs.

What did you do before you worked at Saint Benedict Parish?
I worked and continue to work as a Civil Engineer! I am currently the Team Leader of Materials Engineering for Englobe, a company which I have worked for since starting as a student in 2008.

What do you like most about working at Saint Benedict Parish? Everything! But to be a little more specific, I love the culture of support and love, and the dedication of staff and parishioners to genuinely strive to be a church that forms disciples who joyfully live out the mission of Jesus Christ.

Do you have a favourite memory from your time working here?
The Liturgical Ministry Come & See was an amazing event for me, it definitely stands out as a highlight. It was so wonderful to see so many parishioners come down and give their ‘Yes!’ to serving in ministry.

What do you like to do outside of work?
I love spending a quiet evening at home with my wife, and I love spending time with family. My wife and I are also involved in Bible studies, Alpha, and a Connect Group, so we stay pretty busy.