Nature has some wonderful surprises for us when the ground warms up enough for seeds and bulbs to pop open. Gradually over the next several weeks, we will see the grounds of the parish come alive with a beautiful array of flowers, shrubs and trees. This doesn’t just happen; it requires the gift of gardening.

Saint Benedict is blessed with skilled and dedicated parishioners, and so too, our gardens benefit from the hands and kind hearts of volunteers. In the early days of our parish, Stella Fogarty and her family took care of the gardens. I recently had a chance to speak with Earl Covin, an avid gardener, who has been building and tending the gardens in recent years. 

Work begins in April as the crocuses appear. The key to a successful garden, Earl says, is good soil, maintenance of trees and shrubs, the planting of ‘deer resistant’ annuals and perennials, and plenty of water. If you have some ‘deer resistant’ perennials in your home garden and would like to donate some to the parish beds, they would be greatly appreciated, and will be lovingly cared for in their new home. Earl is planning a transplant day when all of the donors can bring their plants to the church grounds for planting. There is also a great need for many volunteers to keep up with the maintenance and watering throughout the summer months. 

In May, we will be planting a rhododendron near the entrance to the church to commemorate the ordination to the priesthood of our very own Deacon Patrick Salah. You will also see two new planters near the entrance of the church, which were built by parishioners.

Thank you to our present volunteer gardeners for their beautiful gift of gardening at Saint Benedict Parish. If you feel called to give of your time and talent, please contact Earl by email at [email protected].