In recent years, our parish has welcomed several seminarians to our parish to learn how a mission-driven church works. Two of those seminarians have returned to the parish, now ordained as priests. I spoke with Fr. Isaac Longworth and Fr. Dan Ramos to understand how they feel about coming back to our community.

What’s it like to be back at Saint Benedict?

FR. ISAAC LONGWORTH: It’s really great to see people who I became friends with during my time here as a seminarian, and it’s also amazing to be able to meet so many people that I never got a chance to before!

FR. DAN RAMOS: It's quite surreal being back here as a priest. Part of what makes it such a surreal experience is that, when I completed my internship here three years ago, I decided to leave the seminary completely to take some more time to discern my vocation. What a journey these last several years have been! To be back in this place years later with great joy is such a blessing. It feels like I've come home!

How did you find out that you were coming back here?

FR. ISAAC: I had a conversation with Fr. Simon, before I was even ordained, where he asked me if I would be interested in coming back as a priest, so I figured that some plans were made, even at that point. But I assumed that it would be either Fr. Dan or myself, definitely not both of us, so that was a surprise!

FR. DAN: With three seminarians getting ordained, I thought that I wasn't going to be sent here, even though it was my top preference. I thought one of the other two guys would get sent here before me, since I had a full year of experience here as a seminarian already. I definitely did not expect two of us would be assigned to the parish. I was pretty excited to receive the news.

What was your priestly ordination like?

FR. ISAAC: It was the happiest day of my life. I was crying before the entrance processional even started. It was so amazing to have family and friends there to celebrate with me, and it felt right...

FR. DAN RAMOS: It's quite surreal being back here as a priest. Part of what makes it such a surreal experience is that, when I completed my internship here three years ago, I decided to leave the seminary completely to take some more time to discern my vocation. What a journey these last several years have been! To be back in this place years later with great joy is such a blessing. It feels like I've come home!

How did you find out that you were coming back here?

FR. ISAAC: I had a conversation with Fr. Simon, before I was even ordained, where he asked me if I would be interested in coming back as a priest, so I figured that some plans were made, like I was meant to do this. The word that God had for me that day, which just kept coming up in the Mass itself, in my own prayer, and in the words of others, was, “You are a priest forever.” It was so humbling to think that I will be a priest forever – even in heaven – and that God had brought me to this moment, despite my great unworthiness. I have so much joy and peace now that I have finally stepped into the vocation God called me to.

FR. DAN: It was such an amazing day. The cathedral was packed with family, friends and supporters, and it was so filled with joy. It was such a blessing to have three of us ordained at the same time; it tripled the joy and excitement! 

What has surprised you so far about being a priest? What has been the biggest adjustment for you so far?

FR. ISAAC: The biggest adjustment has been realizing that I’m a priest now, and seeing how people treat me differently when they find out. In my head I’m thinking, “I’m just Isaac,” but to everyone now, I’m Father Isaac. It’s really beautiful, but it’s taking some time to get used to the new role that I play in people’s spiritual lives now.

FR. DAN: Although I knew this was going to take some getting used to, it is still very surreal to be called ‘father’ and sometimes I still catch myself thinking that people are speaking to someone else besides me. It's not just the title, but also what comes with it. In a way that leaves me feeling very privileged and unworthy. People approach me with such kindness and also ask me for advice and direction. This is very new for me! And it is so humbling when someone much more wise and experienced than me asks me for direction and words of encouragement. I know that has little to do with me, but more with my calling to be a shepherd for God's people. It's taking some getting used to, but I am truly humbled to be in this role!

What are your responsibilities here at the parish, beyond celebrating Mass and preaching?

FR. ISAAC: I hear people’s confessions and absolve them of their sin. I visit those who are sick and anoint them. I will baptize people who are joining the Church. I officiate weddings and funerals, and bless things. I meet with people to help counsel them through trials they’re going through in their life, and try to answer their questions about the faith.
I also am going to be helping to run the Evangelization and Discipleship ministries here, working particularly with Alpha and Life Groups. Basically, I am here to dispense God’s sacramental grace to those who come to receive it, and work hard to bring everyone at the parish (and beyond the parish) into a deeper relationship with Jesus.

FR. DAN: In addition to Mass, Sacraments, and preaching, I am part of the Parish Leadership Team. And part of my role as a member of that time is to lead the Liturgy and Sacraments Team.

What would you say to a young person discerning the priesthood or religious life?

FR. ISAAC: Don’t be afraid! You will never know if that is God’s calling for you unless you investigate it. That could be talking to me or another priest about it, asking God about it, and actually considering it as a possibility. If that is what God is calling you to do, he has a plan to make you abundantly happy in that life. Don’t be afraid of his voice, but take a leap of faith and ask him, “God, is this something you want for me? Because if it is, I will follow you! I give you permission to do whatever you want with my life!”

FR. DAN: If this is God's calling for your life, there is absolutely nothing in the world that will make you more joyful and satisfied than pursuing this vocation. It's worth it to find out, so don't be afraid to discern and let the Holy Spirit lead you to your calling. If the Holy Spirit leads, you will always end up where you're meant to be!

How can we pray for you?

FR. ISAAC: Pray that I would be a good and holy priest. That I would admit when I’m wrong and seek forgiveness. That I would be given wisdom to know how to best serve God in all the things that I will be doing here. That I would always stay close to Jesus and remember that everything I do flows out of his love for me. That I would be able to show people the fatherly love of God, and help them to say yes to him.

FR. DAN: That I will be a holy and faithful priest, and especially to be able to establish a solid foundation in my first year of priesthood.