This article was originally published on February 8th, 2020.

I have often heard parishioners at Saint Benedict say how much they

feel a sense of belonging in the parish - that it is ‘like family’. Outstanding hospitality and many shared experiences like Alpha, Connect Groups, and Discipleship Groups contribute to knitting our close bonds.

What happens if life’s circumstances intervene and interrupt the bond of this shared journey? What if sickness, injury, or even the normal aging process makes me lose my mobility and energy? What if I can’t make it out to Mass or to other activities in the parish? It would be easy to fall out of touch.

In the past year, a new ministry has sprung up at Saint Benedict to offset those disconnecting circumstances. It is called the Care and Companionship Ministry. In our parish, Sheila Kidd has been the proponent and leader. It developed out of nine parishioners in Sheila’s discipleship group who were ready to step out into this ministry.

A lot has unfolded since then. The number of parishioners now bringing care and companionship has grown to 24. Sheila and Dorothy Edem have made contact and established a liaison with administrators in several Assisted Living facilities serving our community. Residents who are largely on their own, without family members and close friends to brighten their days, are now reattached to the Saint Benedict family through a companion who visits regularly. The same is true with the hospitals. Patients with extended stays who would benefit from a visitor to support and cheer them up also are reconnected to parish life through this ministry. Fr. Michael Grace, our Archdiocese’s hospital chaplain, ably and enthusiastically helps coordinate in the hospital setting.

There are also people who would benefit from a regular companion visiting them in their own homes. Making that connection is a bit more challenging. The referral for a companion would have to come directly from the person themselves or from someone close to them knowing their situation, and with their permission. If you know of someone who you feel would be open to a regular parish visitor, you could refer the contact information by phone or email.

The main qualifications for this ministry are an ear for listening and a caring and compassionate heart. There is some basic initial training for all who offer to be companions and there is ongoing support offered at monthly meetings. The meetings are on the last Saturday of each month at 10:00 am in the Marguerite Room. The next meeting is Saturday, February 22nd.

Aside from volunteer companions, there is also a need for volunteer administrative support. If you have some time to answer phone calls, or to follow up on phone calls received, your help would be greatly appreciated. If you are comfortable in carrying out administrative work, your efforts would help extend the reach of our parish as hearts reach out to hearts in Christ.

For more information or referrals:
Phone: 902-222-6185
Email: [email protected]
If you are considering serving, there are pamphlets in the parish office.