The Sacrament of Reconciliation, also known as Confession,
was instituted by Jesus as an opportunity to be reconciled with God. All we have to do is ask for his forgiveness and experience the healing that comes with it.

Now that we are journeying through this Lenten season, there is no better time than the present to participate in this beautiful Sacrament.

How can we prepare?

The best way to prepare yourself for Confession is to walk through an Examination of Conscience. As Catholics, we must make an effort to recognize ways in which we have sinned against God. Essentially, you want to take time to reflect on what it is you may have done in your actions and your words, things that go against what God wants for your life. You’re encouraged to spend time doing an examination of conscience, and preparing before you go to confession.

One helpful tip: write down what you want to confess. I’ve been known to print off the 10 commandments, and then write below ways in which I have sinned against them. I fold this paper up, and bring it into the confessional with me. It might feel silly reading through my sins in the confessional, but it is the best practice for me to express myself fully.

Why should we go?

Confession helps us recognize sin in our lives, and it helps us to be more aware and to not repeat these sins. It’s through the examination that we have the ability to identify the sin, and through God the strength and will to avoid that temptation and to not sin again.

I’ve heard many Catholics describe the post confession feeling as relief, like a big exhale! Any of the separation, guilt, or sin being carried is wiped clean. All that is left is God’s love and a desire to do good by him.

But what will the priest think?

Any priest will tell you that it’s not about judgment, or shame. It’s about reconciliation with God to the fullest!

Father Michael Schmitz shares his perspective of a priest hearing confession: “There is almost no greater place to be than with someone when they are coming back to God... The confessional is a place where people let God’s love win. The Confessional is the most joyful, humbling, and inspiring place in the world.”

When can we go?

Saint Benedict holds confession times weekly, on Sundays from 1-2pm. There is also an upcoming Day of Reconciliation, where confession will be available through extended periods, heard by a variety of priests, on Thursday, March 31st.

If you have not participated in this Sacrament in a while, consider the upcoming Day of Reconciliation as an invitation to come and experience God’s mercy.