From time-to-time, we feature a profile of one of the Saint Benedict Parish staff members so parishioners can get to know them a little better and get a better sense of what they do at the parish. This month, we’re featuring Deacon Ronan Sheehan.

What’s your job title?
DEACON RONAN: I am currently the 'Deacon Intern' at Saint Benedict until the end of June.

What staff team are you on?
I'm on the Parish Leadership Team here.

When did you start at Saint Benedict Parish?
I arrived at Saint Benedict on January 8th. It's been great to settle in here. I received a lovely welcome from staff and parishioners.

As far as you know, what does your work here entail?
My work here is two-fold: I'm growing as a leader here in the parish by being part of the staff team, by exercising the ministry of deacon, and by growing in my preaching. I'm taking Alpha for the first time this February and after that I hope to experience a Life Group - I've heard so many positive things about both. Secondly, I'm here to reflect on how what's happening at Saint Benedict might work in an Irish parish. I spend a lot of time asking questions and reflecting with the team as well as people and priests back in Ireland.

Where are you from originally?
I'm from the village of Newcestown in West Cork, Ireland. My background is rural farmland so city living is a change.

How did you discern the priesthood?
I felt called to priesthood for many years. It's something I felt the Lord was inviting me towards when I was a teenager, so I made the step to explore this further in seminary. I enjoyed my studies and the growth that comes with being in formation. I love being in full-time ministry – seeing people come alive in faith is a moment of great privilege. I hope to be ordained to the priesthood later on this year. I'm really looking forward to it!

What did you do before you worked at Saint Benedict Parish?
I finished my studies at seminary in May 2021, spent the summer working as a hospital chaplain, then I was ordained a deacon in September and spent four months working in the parish of Ballinlough, Cork. I loved it there. In the summers before I was ordained, I would spend some weeks in a parish or hospital on placement, and then I would work on the farm or at a local garden center. It gave me a real appreciation for the great outdoors.

What was a key moment in your faith life that you can share with us?
I had a 'Take and Read' moment, like Saint Augustine experienced, when I was a teenager. I can't remember exactly what it was but it moved me to explore prayer in new ways and helped me realize that I wasn't alone in this world – that our God is close to us.

What made you decide to come here? (Or did your bishop just send you?)
The idea to come to Saint Benedict was my bishop's, but I have 'owned' this decision since then. The first couple of weeks were a tough transition, but I know I'm here to experience, learn, and reflect, and I look forward to gifting my learning from here to an Irish parish in the fall.