From time to time, we feature a profile of one of the Saint Benedict Parish staff members so parishioners can get to know them a little better and get a better sense of what they do at the parish. This month, we’re featuring our newest seminarian-intern, Sebastian Muggeridge.

What’s your job title?
SEBASTIAN: I am a seminarian-intern.

What staff team are you on?
I am currently on the Preaching Team and I am sitting in on the Parish Leadership team. I am rotating through the other staff team meetings as well.

When did you start working at Saint Benedict Parish?
The first week of September 2022.

As far as you know, what does your work here entail?
Right now, I’m being a sponge and soaking up as much as I can. I am meeting with all the staff to learn about how things work at Saint Benedict. I join the priests for their various ministries, such as the anointing of the sick, and I serve at many of the funerals and other liturgies. I am being trained to preside as a lay minister at Liturgy of the Word funerals and burials (essentially funerals that aren’t Masses). I’m also excited to be serving on the Alpha team this Fall. My hope is to learn how to become a great priest and leader. I especially want to learn the art of empowering others to become leaders.

Where are you from originally?
I was born in Burlington, Ontario, but I grew up mostly in the west end of Ottawa.

What did you do before you worked at Saint Benedict Parish?
I was working as a staff nurse at the Ottawa Civic Hospital on a Neurosciences unit (a mix of Neurology and Neurosurgery). I also volunteered as the Youth Choir Director at my home parish, and participated in various ministries (CCO’s Discovery faith studies, Alpha, Worship and Adoration nights, and Youth Group).

What was a key moment in your faith life?
I remember when I returned to the Sacrament of Reconciliation at a campus retreat run by Catholic Christian Outreach in 2013. The priest who heard my confession was Father Christian (now the bishop of Saint John, New Brunswick) with the Companions of the Cross, a religious community of priests and seminarians based in Ottawa. He shared with me how God was so happy I had come to confession. He told me that he has been waiting for me to come back to him just like the father in the story of the Prodigal Son. I had never heard a priest say something like that to
me before. He absolved me of my sins, and I knew I was forgiven. That night, I was led by a missionary (actually, it was Fr. Simon’s brother Jeremy) to pray a prayer to put Jesus at the centre of my life. Although I didn’t feel anything change in that moment, Jeremy encouraged me to pray this prayer every single day. Over a period of weeks, I experienced a dramatic change in my life. I discovered that my life was a beautiful gift from God, and my only desire was to give my life back to Him.

How did you discern to go to seminary?
If you told me 10 years ago that I would be in my seventh year of seminary, I would have laughed out loud. Before I came to know Jesus, priesthood was not on my radar. In fact, it was something to be avoided at all costs! However, as I learned more about the vocation to celibacy and the priesthood, I learned that this calling is actually a gift from God. It is a desire that doesn’t come from oneself, but rather, one that God places on your heart. Seeking clarity in my vocation, I prayed a ‘dangerous’ prayer: God, I’ll do whatever you want, even if it means becoming a priest. If you are calling me to this, all I ask is that you put this desire on my heart.

It was shortly after this that I found myself being drawn to the sacraments. I also noticed that I was spending my time hanging out with priests and seminarians, many of whom were with the Companions of the Cross. I was inspired by their commitment to brotherhood and the call to evangelization. I thought that I’d like to be like them some day. It was then that I realized that God had answered my prayer – he had placed this desire for the priesthood on my heart! I applied to the Companions and I was accepted in the Fall of 2016. The rest is history. I encourage you to try to pray a ‘dangerous’ prayer sometime. It’s terrifying, but worth it!

What made you decide to come here? (Or were you just sent here?)
I’ve wanted to come visit here ever since Fr. Simon was sent here as
a priest-intern in 2017 (when I was just a baby seminarian!). I was blown away by the renewal at Saint Benedict, and I was overjoyed when I heard that I would be sent here for my internship!

What do you like to do outside of work?
I like tennis, hockey, soccer, in-line skating, cross country skiing, running, and biking. I love the outdoors and hiking. I play acoustic guitar and bass, and I love to sing. I don’t drink coffee, but I love a good cup of tea. I like spiritual reading, and an opportunity to grow in my faith life.