From time-to-time, we feature a profile of one of the Saint Benedict Parish staff members so parishioners can get to know them a little better and get a better sense of what they do at the parish. This month, we’re featuring our new Facilities Coordinator, Tulio Quintero.

What’s your job title?

TULIO: I am the Facilities Coordinator.

What staff team are you on?

I am on the Service & Outreach Team.

When did you start working at Saint Benedict Parish?

I started at the beginning of October.

Where are you from originally?

I’m from Caracas, Venezuela, which is about 3,800km south of Halifax.

What did you do before you worked at Saint Benedict Parish?

I worked as the Maintenance Engineer at the Westin Nova Scotian hotel in downtown Halifax.

What does your work here entail?

I’m responsible for keeping the church a clean, welcoming, and well-functioning space. I work with members of the Facilities Team, which is made up of trained parishioners who help me oversee all the cleaning, maintenance, and repairs at the parish, as well as help me manage larger projects. Since I am also on the Service & Outreach team, I take part in team meetings with them and the larger parish staff team.

What was a key moment in your faith life that you can share with us?

When I was able to obtain an annulment of my marriage through the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth, I was able to get married here at Saint Benedict, after we were civilly married.

What do you like to do outside of work?

I like to sing, play Latino dominoes competitions, and watch basketball, baseball, soccer, hockey, golf, and other games.