The men of our parish have a rich history of helping with ministries, special events, and outreach to those in need. About a year ago, some of these men recognized that collaboration would amplify their efforts for greater impact. Out of that meeting of minds came the SBP Men’s Ministry. Recognizing that there is strength in numbers, and as Proverbs 27:17 says, “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens the wits of another.” Together, they have brought this enhanced energy and focus to many parish projects.

Reaching out through existing contact lists, they began with over 100 members. Over the first year they have added nearly 40 additional members, and they are eager to keep their membership growing. At a recent dinner, 70 members and guests came together in the Auditorium to celebrate the accomplishments of their first year. As with most of their activities, it was a very ‘hands on’ event, with most men finding a way to contribute to the success of the evening.

Sometimes the work of SBP Men’s Ministry slips under the radar. These include the Advent Wreath afternoon in the Auditorium, the setup and removal of parish Christmas decorations, the Shrove Tuesday Pancake supper, Wednesday Adoration, the online Weekly Family Rosary, the Stations of the Cross during Lent, various parish breakfasts and dinners, lunch for SBPkids VBS, helping organize the refugee committee, directing parking at busy events like on Good Friday and Easter, and just about anything else if the needs arise.

The leaders who have planned, recruited, and guided these activities in this first year had a simple guiding principle: ‘...To grow in faith together, to support our priests and parish Game Plan, and to do corporal outreach works to those in need.’

The members of the SBP Men’s Ministry meet once a month in the Auditorium to share a meal, grow as brothers in Christ, and pray with praise and worship music. They watch a video from Formed so they can take away a renewed commitment and vigor to their tasks.

If you are already a member of the SBP Men’s Ministry, thank you for all that you do at the parish. If you’re not, I’m hoping that you can see yourself becoming a member.

To join the SBP Men’s Ministry, contact Kevin Riley ([email protected], 902-489-009.)