No matter how many Sundays in a year you find yourself at Mass, there’s something different about Christmas Mass. Besides the overflowing joy of the start of the Christmas season – the carols, the food, the social gatherings – our experience at this Mass is unlike any other. Mass attendance on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day is the highest all year. Most of that comes down to the fact that we will open our door to guests – visiting family and friends, those who haven’t attended since last Christmas, and even some who have never attended. So while we’re working on getting ready and putting on our Sunday best, there are ways we can make sure our spiritual home is a place that everyone can encounter Jesus, both our Church family and our guests.

Before we even walk through the big front doors of the Church, we can start making an inviting environment. If you’re driving to Church and are physically able, try parking across the street, leaving space in the parking lot for our guests and those who have mobility challenges. No matter where you park, remember that keeping Christ in Christmas is important, but keeping Christ in your driving is also a way we can express our Christian love. If you can, give yourself extra time to get to Mass so you don’t feel rushed. 

Once you walk through the doors, you might be tempted to rush for your favourite pew. If you find someone else sitting where you had your heart set on, that’s likely because they could be a guest, or that’s someone else’s favourite pew from one of our four weekend Masses. The best plan is to sit wherever there’s room and move to the middle of the pew to make room for those coming after you. It’s a small welcoming act that makes it easier for others to find a seat.

With all of the guests we expect will pass through our doors, it’s good to remember they won’t necessarily know the rhythm of the Mass or the traditions specific to Saint Benedict Parish. If there’s time before Mass, and you’re sitting next to someone you don’t recognize, take a moment to say hello and help them feel welcome. Once the Mass starts, try not to focus on what those around you do or do not know. Our priests will do their best to guide everyone through the different parts of the Mass, but most likely they’ll be following your example for times to stand, sit, kneel, and bow. If you feel their eyes on you, they’re probably looking for your example. Don’t be afraid to joyfully enter into the Mass – your joy can be infectious! Before you leave at the end, take a moment to speak a kind word to those around you. You are an emissary for Christ and for our parish, so how you interact with our guests will help them to taste and see how God is working within our community. 

The most important thing you can do to make Mass an opportunity to encounter Christ – both for yourself and others – is to make room for Jesus in your own heart. Once your heart becomes a Bethlehem for Jesus, others can encounter Jesus in and through you.