by Zach Lewis

Our parish has been abundantly blessed over the years to be able to help bring people to faith, people from many walks of life and faith backgrounds. Alpha is the main way we do this at Saint Benedict, as it provides a safe place for people to explore faith and to ask tough questions that they may have about Christianity and God. 

Alpha at Saint Benedict will kick off once again later this month, with a welcome addition that is happening for the first time. To ensure that as many people in our parish as possible are given the opportunity to have their lives transformed, parish leaders are excited to launch an Alpha for young people between the ages of 18 and 35, with the regular Alpha nights running separately. 

Young Adult Alpha, will begin on Tuesday, September 24th. It will be run by Christian Huntley, who has served in youth ministry and the praise & worship band previously. Those who come to the 10 weeks of Young Adult Alpha will watch videos, share meals, and have the great in-depth discussions and friendship, which Alpha has been known for over the years. The regular Alpha sessions will begin the next day on Wednesday, September 25th, and it will also run for 10 weeks with videos, live talks, some food, and more good conversation. 

There are important aspects of both of these Alphas that are worth highlighting. Despite running on separate nights, the plan is for all attendees to come together for the Holy Spirit Weekend. Also, you are more than welcome to come to either Alpha if you are in the 18-35 age group, which may be helpful if your work schedule prevents you from coming on Tuesdays. Both Alphas are completely free to attend, but you will need to register at There is an option to register at the door on the day of, but if you’re able to register ahead of time, it will help with planning. 

Alpha is a wonderful way to be introduced or reintroduced to the Christian faith. Countless stories have been told by people about their encounter with Jesus and the impact it has made on their lives after Alpha. If you have taken part in Alpha before, you are encouraged to return and to invite someone – a family member, a friend, a colleague, an acquaintance – to take part with you. You never know the impact that it could have on their life. 

If you would like to know more about Alpha, to visit or email Bill Scollard at [email protected].