From time to time, we feature a profile of one of the Saint Benedict Parish staff members so parishioners can get to know them a little better and get a better sense of what they do at the parish. This month, we’re featuring our new priest intern, Fr. Graham Keep.

What’s your current role with the Companions?
FR. GRAHAM: I am a priest applicant for the Companions of the Cross. This means that I am investigating a ‘call within a call.’ This means that I am on loan from my diocese to the Companions of the Cross. I have known about the Companions since before I was in the seminary, and I was inspired by the founder, Fr. Bob Bedard. I have been watching the Companions grow, develop, and mature over the years. I waited on the Lord for his timing to consider joining the Companions, and on a 30-day retreat two years ago the Lord was very clear with me that now is the time. Being obedient to him brings me here now. 

What does your year in Halifax look like?
It consists of living in the Companion community, prayer, and serving at Saint Benedict. I am living with Companions in Lower Sackville. Essentially, this year is for me to get to know the Companions and live the rhythm of their life, and for them to get to know me. 

What will you be doing at Saint Benedict?
As a priest-intern, I am looking forward to learning all about Saint Benedict. I am very passionate about discipleship and parish renewal.

What has your experience of priesthood been up to this point?
I was ordained on May 1st, 1993 for the diocese of London, Ontario. My last assignment was in St. Thomas, Ontario, the territory was 100km end to end. I know the joys, sorrows, successes, and failures of parish ministry. I am also associated with Renewal Ministries, and I have travelled with them across the globe offering conferences, retreats, and days of renewal. I was in Halifax offering a mission in 2003. I am also an online facilitator for the Encounter School of Ministry. I am delighted to offer whatever I can to help support the mission and vision of Saint Benedict. 

What do you like to do outside of pastoral work?
Some of the hobbies I enjoy are golf, art, and music. I have had a couple of rounds of golf already, but I am always open to more.

Any final thoughts?
As I mentioned in my first homily at Saint Benedict, the most important things in my life are my deep and personal relationship with Jesus, wanting to be filled more and more with his Holy Spirit, and being obedient to whatever God the Father asks of me. I just want to serve him. It is my great joy to be with you this short time, and I pray that we can all open our hearts more and more to the power of the Holy Spirit and share in all the signs and wonders He wants to do in us and through us.