Service in the church is one of the pillars of the Game Plan of Saint Benedict Parish. It allows us to be a faithful, loving, and alive parish, and the need for volunteers is always strong. When you enter Mass each week and see the technology set up, the readings prepared, you’re greeted and assisted, and you’re served coffee after Mass, all these tasks are accomplished by people just like you. 

“What are the unique gifts of the person? We want to get somebody serving in their area of giftedness,” Fr. Simon told me when I spoke with him about service in the parish. “That’s going to release them. They're going to experience joy, freedom, happiness… It’s going to be deeply satisfying for them. If we can match that up with a parish need, it’s a win-win.” 

The Liturgical Ministry team is in need of new volunteers, as Mass Coordinators are a big part of the parish and something Saint Benedict is looking for right now. Coordinating the Mass makes you the connection between all the many ministries, bringing them all together to make the Mass happen. During Mass, Eucharistic Ministers distribute Holy Communion to parishioners, and more people are needed to join this crucial and humbling ministry. 

Other ministries in need of support include the hospitality team, which includes greeters (who say hi when you enter the church), ushers (who help people find seats), the team at the Next Steps and Welcome Centre, and the café team. If you are gifted in social ways like speaking, comforting, and serving others, this may be for you. If you are gifted in engaging and entertaining children, perhaps the SBPkids ministry is worth investigating. If you are knowledgeable about technology or good with videography or photography, the audiovisual team could be up your alley. There are so many more ministries to consider like office and administrative support, the altar guild, the Saint Vincent de Paul society, sacramental preparation teams, and more. If you are interested in joining one of the ministries, visit and fill out the form. There are many options, and you might be surprised by the ways they will match up with your giftedness. 

Our dream at Saint Benedict is to have everybody contributing in some small way. In the words of Fr. Simon, “Pick up an oar. Every single person is paddling along with us.”