Every Easter, new Catholics complete OCIA (the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) and receive initiation Sacraments like Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation. I spoke to several members of this year’s OCIA program about how they came to Saint Benedict, why they decided to formally join the church, and what God has been doing in their lives. 

What did you think of church before you came to Saint Benedict Parish? 

NICOLE SEWARDS: I hadn’t been to church in a long time. I loved going to church as a kid, but in my adult life I did not think it was where I belonged. 

JOSHUA JACKSON: I grew up in church and youth groups. Church has always had a positive impact on my life, even if I was not conscious of it. 

XIAOCHEN SUN: I always thought going to church was an old tradition. They are different buildings where people gather based on their different beliefs. I found it hard to see myself in a church because I was raised to believe that faith is something imaginary and its purpose is to limit people’s lives. 

KALEB ELLIS: Before coming to Saint Benedict, I felt a negative connotation around the Catholic Church. Growing up in a healthy Protestant household, there were no negative implications of my church in the media. Anything bad that was announced about churches was from the Catholic Church, which really clouded my vision on it. 

How did you end up at Saint Benedict Parish? 

NICOLE: I always drove by Saint Benedict while I was working in the area and had a very strong desire to attend Mass. Then, last January, I decided to join a co-worker and very good friend of mine, Crystal Fidely, at Mass. 

JOSHUA: I became interested in Saint Benedict after my wife and I started looking for a place to attend church. We wanted a Church that preaches and teaches true Christian values. 

XIAOCHEN: My friend Steven introduced me to various churches, but I kept returning to Saint Benedict Parish due to its welcoming atmosphere and well-maintained facilities. I felt a sense of belonging. My daughter enjoyed the children's ministry, and I had an opportunity to attend Alpha. The availability of online content also allowed me to stay connected even when unable to attend in person. 

KALEB: In 2021, a good friend of mine introduced me to the Catholic faith by inviting me to a Good Friday Service. After that, I started coming to church frequently. God gave me an amazing Christian community. 

What was your first impression of Saint Benedict? 

NICOLE: The smiles, music, and inside beauty of the people. It made me feel like I was welcome to be in a church. 

JOSHUA: My first reaction was, “What is this incense stuff?” Seriously though, I was impressed by the reverence of God. 

XIAOCHEN: I felt embraced by the warm welcome of the community. The church looked new and beautiful, but it still felt traditional. During the Mass, time didn’t drag and I could easily focus on the experience. 

KALEB: My first impression was that I did not belong here. I thought the church was beautiful and the people were amazing, but I did not feel like this was for me. 

What made you decide to join the church through OCIA? 

NICOLE: After attending Sunday Mass regularly, taking Alpha, and developing a relationship with Jesus and the Catholic Church, it was on my heart to attend OCIA. 

JOSHUA: I wanted family unity. I grew up in a different faith tradition than Catholicism, but when the Holy Spirit started teaching me about the faith, I realized its truth and beauty. 

XIAOCHEN: This has been a significant step for me. Through work and life experiences, and the roles of husband and father, I've pondered questions about the existence of objective truth and the pursuit of a meaningful life. It became evident to me that faith is not about limiting life, but rather about enabling a fulfilling and joyful life. In Christianity, values like family, love, and truth resonated with me. Through this journey, the true meaning of life became unmistakably clear to me: Christ is the way. OCIA has provided a wonderful avenue for me to start this journey of faith and discovery. 

KALEB: There was a Catholic Christian Outreach event called Rise Up in Ottawa. I drove up with Christian Huntley, who is now my OCIA sponsor, and another friend. I had a powerful experience there that really made my conversion process a no-brainer: during Adoration, I felt a call to get prayed over at prayer ministry. I asked Jesus to tell me my next step. While getting prayed over, I kept getting the feeling that I should go get baptized in the Catholic Church when I got home. It was wild. The funny thing is I had no desire to convert to Catholicism at any point in my life up until that moment. God really works wonders in our hearts and changes us by his grace.

Did you take Alpha at Saint Benedict Parish ahead of joining RCIA? What was that like?

JOSHUA: I attended Alpha during the Fall session. We have since formed a wonderful Life Group that has continued to meet and discuss our faith journey together. 

KALEB: I took Alpha in 2021, and I am now co-leading a table at the current Alpha. 

XIAOCHEN: Participating in Alpha was truly eye-opening for me. It offered me a fresh perspective on life and motivated me to explore Christianity more deeply. Even though I had many questions and uncertainties as someone new to Christ, each Alpha session left me feeling increasingly curious and with a growing sense of capacity and desire to know the Lord. This awareness has been crucial for me in strengthening my faith. 

What difference has this journey made in your relationship with God?

JOSHUA: My relationship with my creator is extremely important, the Catholic faith is helping me draw closer to God. It is a beautiful tradition that is the foundation of a healthy society. I truly believe that a Christian revival is beginning as many millennials like myself are seeking answers for what life is all about. 

XIAOCHEN: This faith-seeking journey has brought hope and direction into my life. I now recognize the importance of reading the word of God and praying to deepen my relationship with Jesus. I am eager to grow in my understanding of Christ and I will strive to live a life that reflects his teachings. 

KALEB: My relationship with God has grown exponentially. After putting Jesus first in my life, I never feel alone. Knowing the same spirit that was inside Jesus is inside me, and in each one of us, gives me strength and reassurance. The war has already been won, and no matter what battle the enemy fights with us, God will be there with us every step of the way. I am eager to learn, and I have a relentless drive for the Word of God. I am thankful for my faith community and for all the friends I have made through the church. 

NICOLE: This OCIA journey has taught me about why I have loved the Catholic Church since I was eight years old, but with a new and deeper love for God, too. My life has meaning. The love I have for others and myself is being opened up in new ways I never thought existed in my soul. I am grateful for the OCIA journey, the time of the leaders and team to graciously share their knowledge, the time my sponsor has taken for me, and meeting new people who share the love I have for Jesus. OCIA has been a start, middle, and end, and I am looking forward to the next season God has in the works for my life and for others!