It’s hard to believe that two months have passed since we celebrated Holy Week and welcomed four new members into the Catholic faith. I had a chance to catch up with Tony, Dorothy, Donna, and Heather (pictured on the right) to see how they have been since the Easter Vigil. 

What was the Easter Vigil like for you? 

HEATHER LEONARD: I couldn’t believe how quickly those three hours went by. I cherished every moment of it. Next to my wedding day and the birth of my children, it was the best day of my life. 

DOROTHY OKENE: I won't be able to pick a specific highlight; the whole experience was transforming, and I could feel the presence of God the entire night.

DONNA BLYTH: My Easter Vigil experience was wonderful! I felt so connected with everyone. I wish I had more time like that with everyone!

TONY TRIMPER: When it came time to get confirmed, I felt such a powerful force of love that I thought I might have dropped to the ground. My sponsor Bill was standing behind, ready to catch me if that happened! It was like a warm blanket had been wrapped around me.

Was there a highlight from Easter Vigil that stood out to you? 

DONNA: When I knelt down to be baptized, I suddenly felt a warmth inside. It’s hard to describe, but it was like everything in my body just calmed down. When the water was poured over me, I felt this incredible feeling, like everything was aligned. I really believe it was the Holy Spirit and that God was telling me, "Welcome, you are home." I was overwhelmed with emotion. Everything inside of me felt so warm and I almost forgot how freezing cold the water was! 

DOROTHY: It was a Spirit-filled experience for me, especially when Fr. Simon asked the church to be silent and invite the Holy Spirit into our hearts. I felt so much peace I had never felt before, at that moment tears began to run down my cheeks. I realized how much God loves me, despite all my shortcomings, and how willing he was to walk my life with me.

TONY: My mother is Catholic, as were with some of my friends that came to the Easter Vigil. It was a blessing that I had my First Communion with them present.

How did your family and friends react to the Easter Vigil?  

HEATHER: They knew I wanted to become Catholic, but after seeing how emotional I was throughout the night, it really was evident to them how badly I had wanted this. After years of attending Mass, it was amazing to finally be able to partake fully. 

DONNA: My family had watched the online stream due to the pandemic, but my parents both told me that they are so proud of me for following through with something so wonderful. My friends have been so supportive and are happy for me, too. I am the only Catholic on my side of the family and in my group of friends, so to be able to receive the kind of love and support from them means so very much to me.

Shortly after Easter, Nova Scotia went back into lockdown, so we had to transition back into online-only Mass. How have you been able to stay connected to the Saint Benedict Parish community? 

HEATHER: I have been able to stay connected through the two Life Groups I am in, as well as a Bible study group I belong to. I get to stay connected with wonderful groups of people, so that has been helpful in the transition. 

TONY: I have a real longing to be together in-person, but the opportunities to connect online has been a phenomenal fill-in. The emphasis on discipleship and getting people connected is so apparent at Saint Benedict. I feel that love, even when I am alone. 

DONNA: I remember when I learned we had to go back into lockdown and how sad I was! I had finally started being able to receive Communion, and I only had a few opportunities at that point. But then I started to feel grateful that I was able to share the Easter Vigil in person. To stay connected, I’m part of Alpha and Life Groups, and I watch Mass each Sunday online. 

DOROTHY: I join in for Mass every Sunday at 9 am, and I join in the incredible Praise & Worship Nights, which I recommend for everyone; it is so spirit-filling. I also belong to a Life Group, which has been so helpful. It is so good to have a family where you can meet to share your life experiences, the words of God, and pray together.

How has your faith continued to grow since Easter? Have you noticed any changes? 

HEATHER: I felt like I was on a high for two to three weeks afterwards. Every morning I would wake up in a wonderful mood and say to myself, “Wow, I did it, I’m finally Catholic.” Now I’m just counting down the days until we are back in person and I can become more involved in the parish. I have a desire to serve, and I’m excited to see what that will look like at Saint Benedict. 

DOROTHY: My relationship with God has changed. I am more aware of his presence in my life. I have begun to pray more, have more quiet time to have conversations and listen to his words, and read his words to learn more each day about his faithfulness to all of us.

TONY: In the words of St. Augustine, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” I’ve been continuing to fill the 'God-sized hole' in my heart with all that the Lord has for me. I’ve started a Life Group and I’m looking forward to growing and inviting others to know Jesus.