A Cosmic Story

Read Zechariah 2:10-13 & Revelation 12:7-10

Light three candles and say together
Come, Lord Almighty. Rouse yourself from your holy dwelling.
(adapted from Zechariah 2:13)


Being a kid is hard. I know that as adults, it can be hard to imagine that. Children live a life with no worries, (except that they do. If you're an adult who cares for a child, make sure you validate their worries), no responsibilities, no weight of finances or making life-altering decisions. They’ve got it easy!

But, if you are all grown up now, think about what it was like to be a child. And if you are reading this with a child, ask them what it is like. Being a child means always asking for permission, and often getting no as an answer. It means having very little control over what you do day to day. It means always having people think that your brain isn't fully formed yet and acting like it. It means feeling small and that a lot of places don't really want to welcome you as you are, with all your energy and imagination and joy.

This is likely one of the reasons why children so often take on adult roles in their make-believe play. There is so much freedom in the adult world! Children long to grow up, to have the same autonomy they see adults possess.

While children play at being adults, adults play at being God. It has been the pattern since the dawn of time. God is near, but we like to shrink Him down so that we can continue to hold onto our false belief that we can control everything. All those things we have to handle as adults make it really hard to let go and trust God. It is no wonder we've lost a lot of our childlike joy - we’re too busy worrying about holding our worlds together. It is hard to be an adult.

Today’s passages show God at work, fighting the cosmic battles that are invisible to our human eyes but not to our souls. We feel the fight between good and evil. We see it in our media and the stories we tell. And we sometimes notice when there’s a battle going on for our soul. 

Advent tells one strand of this cosmic story. It is an epic rescue story where the God of the Universe actually comes to earth in order to draw us near by coming near to us, becoming one of us, and overcoming the worst that this world (and cosmic powers and spiritual forces) can throw at us. It is a rescue mission of epic proportions fueled by love. And was a plan only God could do.

Being a kid can be hard because of the lack of control, but adults often long for a life of that simplicity again. Being an adult is hard because we control too much, including things that we actually have no control over. You’re not God. You're not the Saviour of the world. God has already sent Himself into this world and He still fights our battles. Be silent and still before the Lord because God is springing into action.

Reflect and Discuss

  • What battles are you currently trying to fight on your own?
  • What do you try to have control over that you actually cannot control?
  • What can you let go of so you can reclaim child-like joy this season?

Lord God, we rejoice because you are in our midst. We are your people and you are our God. We trust that you are holding all things together. Help us rely on you more than we rely on ourselves.

Advent in Action
Play a board game with friends or family, especially one where there is some element of luck involved. Enjoy the time together, playing, and doing something you don’t have to do, even while knowing you can’t control the outcome of the game.

More information about our Advent Prayer Challenge can be found here
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