New Life

Read Matthew 21:28-32 & Psalm 34

Light three candles and say together
Taste and see that the Lord is good.
(Psalm 34:8)


Have you considered new year’s resolutions, yet? This may seem like a premature question, especially in an Advent reflection, but it is actually quite relevant. While our Gregorian calendar and worldly rhythms communicate that the year is winding down, Advent is the liturgical season that starts a new year. Those of us practicing Advent are invited to consider this season as a spiritual new year.

While it may feel incongruous to wrap your head around this being the beginning of the year of spiritual rhythms while being the end of the year 2022, consider how beautiful it is that we are given the opportunity to try on new spiritual practices during Advent that we may then continue throughout the year. 

Jesus’s birth was not a one-and-done thing. We continue to celebrate it year after year and we spend our weeks before Christmas “waiting” for Jesus’s birth. You may consider this simply ritualistic or symbolic, but perhaps we do this because we are expecting something new to be born in our lives this season -- something that draws us closer to God; something that brings hope, peace, joy, and love; something that heals us, restores us, and guides us. Whatever is meant to be born in us this season, may we not forget it in a mere few weeks.

Both passages we read today invite us into a deeper, more realized life of discipleship. The Psalm is a beautiful invitation into what a deeper relationship with God looks like. And this has to be the first step. God transforms us as we spend time with HIm. But the passage in Matthew is particularly challenging. Jesus is asking if we are simply going to say we follow Him or if we’re going to show up and live as people whose lives are transformed to look more like Christ.

In Advent, we practice rhythms that help us prepare to notice Jesus in this season. But don't let this be a way to nicely wrap up your year. Consider this the beginning of your coming year, with whatever God is stirring up in you now. Carry that with you as a gift.

Reflect and Discuss

  • What stood out to you as you read the Bible passages? What is God saying to you through these verses?
  • What have you done throughout Advent that you’d like to carry with you beyond Christmas and into 2023?
  • Where are you feeling called to walk as a Christ-follower rather than simply claim the title?

Lord God, as your Holy Spirit stirred up new life in Mary’s womb, would you stir up new life within me?  Let me hold tightly to this gift even when the tree has been put away and the Christmas lights have been extinguished. May my life be transformed by you.

Advent in Action
Donate to a food bank today. Be Christ’s hands and feet in your community, helping where there is a need.

More information about our Advent Prayer Challenge can be found here
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