Christmas Under Wraps

Read Psalm 85:8-13

Light three candles and say together
Surely salvation is near.
(Psalm 85:9)


My husband started putting wrapped gifts under the tree before it was even decorated this year! Some trees don’t have any gifts under them until Christmas Eve, but I appreciate the anticipation that a wrapped gift brings. I can see that there is something under the tree that someone thought would be perfect for me, even before I get to know what it is. 

This week's focus on Joy is like those presents under the tree. I asked the kids at church on Sunday how they felt about seeing wrapped presents under the tree. They used words like “excited” and “happy” and “joyful” to describe the feeling. Then I asked them to imagine how they would feel if I told them they’d never get to open their presents. How would they feel with this in mind, seeing the gifts? Their words used to describe their emotions at the thought of this scenario changed completely. 

There is joy in the gifts under a tree because within the wrapping paper is a promise of something wonderful, and its presence under the tree means that we are getting closer to the fulfillment of those promised gifts!

But the presence of a promised gift can also lead to dashed hope and shattered trust if there is no fulfillment. If you’ve lived long enough, you’ve undoubtedly experienced the grief of expectations unrealized. How can we still trust God with the gift He holds out to us this season when things haven’t gone as expected in the past?

The truth is, it isn't always easy. And maybe this year what you need is God’s comfort more than God’s joy. Or maybe, this is the season you’re willing to try opening your heart up to find again. Maybe you're here reading this because you're dipping your toe in to see if God is safe, if He is trustworthy, if He is kind, if He is faithful.

If you’re able to see the gifts around you, then hold on. The fulfillment is coming! We’re getting close to Christmas and we can already start celebrating! 

But if gifts are hard to find and promises have felt unfulfilled in the past, look for the small gifts God is holding out to you on a daily basis. Maybe a small act of kindness, or a little answered prayer. Unwrap these now, today, and each day leading to Christmas so that you can believe that His big promises will be fulfilled too. Christmas -- Jesus coming to earth as the fulfillment of generations-worth of promises -- is where God’s steadfast love and faithfulness meet. And it can meet for you this season, too.

Reflect and Discuss

  • How easy has it been for you to find joy this Advent?
  • Where do you turn to find joy, even while you wait?
  • How can you ask God to show up for you and remind you of His presence during this season?

Lord, we believe that you are a faithful God who gives good gifts. May you abundantly bless those who cannot find joy on their own this season. Help us experience your presence as the ultimate present this season.

Advent in Action
Build a gingerbread house. Enjoy both the fun of building it now as well as the promise of eating it later.

More information about our Advent Prayer Challenge can be found here
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