As we journey together in Life Groups, we continue our efforts to nurture the roots of faith, either the ones we had before, or the ones that we put down in our experience of Alpha. Our times together in friendship and prayer whet our appetite for deeper enriched faith experiences.

Resources to satisfy this growing appetite are increasingly available to Life Groups. Books, scriptural studies, videos and video series, podcasts, spiritual teaching series, encyclicals, and church documents are being accumulated and recommended to groups.

Jackie Lupien works half-time at the parish as a non-salaried staff member. She dedicates her time to supporting Life Groups. To help individuals determine what might be a fruitful next step in faith development, the Life Group team has devised the Discipleship Self Assessment Tool. Through a series of questions, an individual can determine areas of potential growth and then opt for resources that
will stimulate and support them. Each self-assessment is confidential, and when the individual inputs their responses for the Discipleship Self Assessment Tool, a program generates suggestions for appropriate resources.

Mutual support among Life Groups is also developing. Two issues of a Life Groups Newsletter have already been released. Bill Scollard, our Life Group Coordinator, has recruited his daughter Gabby Scollard to coordinate and edit the newsletter. One feature in each edition is a spotlight on a Life Group. By sharing how they are sharing and journeying together in faith, the featured Life Group demonstrates the diversity and vitality that form the special character of their group. Each issue also has practical suggestions that help in leadership and the logistics of a Life Group.

As the most recent Alpha comes to a successful conclusion, many of the participants will be anxious to continue growing in faith by journeying on in a group. All are invited to form a Life Group or join a group that already exists. Bill and Jackie are helping them to build their new Christian life by transitioning easily from Alpha to a new Life Group. For all others seeking the next steps in Christian living, investigating and joining or starting a Life Group is the way to grow! It is as simple as going to